#Stage Clear Special/stageclear.ogg #Main Menu Menu/menu.ogg #Tournament Menu Menu/tournamentmenu.ogg #Tournament Over Special/tournamentover.ogg #These music files will be used for the music categories listed. In #addition, all files places in subdirectories labeled "Land", #"Underground", etc will be read into those categories as well. [Land] smb3level1.ogg M2_Level1.ogg [Underground] M1_Underground.ogg M3_Boss.ogg [Underwater] M3_Underwater.ogg [Castle] M3_Boss.ogg #These are not needed (see ReadMe.txt), because they have the same #tracks as the above 4 categories, but I included them for easy editing #purposes. [Platforms] smb3level1.ogg M2_Level1.ogg [Ghost] M1_Underground.ogg M3_Boss.ogg [Bonus] M3_Underwater.ogg [Battle] M3_Boss.ogg [Desert] smb3level1.ogg M2_Level1.ogg [Clouds] smb3level1.ogg M2_Level1.ogg [Snow] smb3level1.ogg M2_Level1.ogg #These are special tags that allow you to force which music is played #for a specific map or a specific background. Please use these #in moderation as the map makers choose music categories that are #approprate for their maps. #When adding a map, you must use the map's display name and it must be #capitalized. For example, if the name of the map is "two52_cave.map", #please use "Cave" as the map name below [Maps] #0smw,smb3level1.ogg,M2_Level1.ogg [Backgrounds] #Land_Classic.png,smb3level1.ogg,M2_Level1.ogg #Mapping of how the old backgrounds map to the new music categories by #default. #0: Land #1: Castle #2: Land #3: Ghost #4: Underground #5: Platforms #6: Castle #7: Platforms #8: Land #9: Land #10: Underground #11: Land #12: Platforms #13: Land #14: Land #15: Battle #16: Platforms #17: Underground #18: Underground #19: Bonus #20: Platforms #21: Battle #22: Bonus #23: Castle #24: Land #25: Platforms